

A walk down memory lane

Haven't written a blog post in the longest time, even my last post was mostly just photos!
But today is special. It marks one year since Dre and I decided to figure out things together. So, I'd like to write down my feelings and reminisce with some photos to celebrate this little milestone.

Getting into a relationship just few months ahead of my move to Sydney, I knew that I would hear remarks about 'why enter a relationship if you're moving away' 'LDR (again)'. Dre is also a few years younger than me, so another thing out of the relationship norm. Which is why one of our songs together is Taylor Swift's 'Run' i.e. running away from the law hihi.

And runLike you'd run from the lawDarling, let's runRun from it allWe can go where our eyes can take usGo where no one else is

Nevertheless, the heart wants what it truly wants. We took the leap of faith and so the journey starts :)
Knowing we had limited time to be together before my move, we were intentional in spending quality time ahead of the move. And when I got an extension to stay longer in Malaysia, it was a blessing-in-disguise as we got to spend the whole of Easter triduum together.

First meal as a couple ahaha @ Fellini Jln Gasing

Scoopsy our secret fave space to sit is behind the shop

SFX every Friday, till we were caught tho we were keeping our rship lowkey lol

Picniccc and he cooked for the first time hah!

my first friends to meet Dre

our first valentines! and i made the card

modern nostalgia - our first concert

Dre's birthday

random impromptu dates in Subang after work

hiking with church geng :) Bkt Gasing 

double date xixi

support crew for Spice Magic Mystique!

huhuhu helping me to sell my things

helped me transport my work chair to the new owner

Fr Michelll :D

surprised me during my farewell trip with good friends from work!

Archbishop Julian at CDM

back to Scoopsy ~~

our last Sunday together

last dinner date in Malaysia before my flight the next day :")

goodbye day

We definitely have our challenges going through LDR together. Especially with daylight savings, the 3-hour difference makes it more difficult to find a common window to catch up. Distance forces us to communicate better, be more patient, understand one another and to be intentional about spending time.

Not easy, but God gives us graces to go through it all. Thank you for leading us in prayer most of the time sayang, I don't do that very well but you are always persistent, and I can't be more grateful ❤️

airport pick up


Dre and his favourite penguins

harbour and sunset

my birthday!

llamas watching the doomscroller

always this line, "see you again in God's time"

virtual dinnerss

season of advent in beautiful Our Lady of Dolours forecourt


with my Himig Sandiwa family for Misa De Gallo

Martin Place

St Joseph, Takapuna

Korra and Dre, and organ attack

twinning PJs and the travelling llamas haha theyve been to AU and NZ now!

dearest Dre sayang,

happy 1st anniversary! 

We both know this year won't be easy, as we will not get to see each other much. But have faith and let's keep figuring out the rest of the journey together Be strong, hold on tight and I got your back always. All my love for you.

10 love one another with mutual affection; outdo one another in showing honor. - Romans 12:10 NRSV

To any friends and family reading, please keep us in your prayers :) 


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